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Do People Really Fight Over Dishes?

May 31, 2016

As a young family-law attorney starting out seventeen (17) years ago, I had no idea the variety of assets that would be the subject of long conversations with clients, letters…

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Martindale Peer Review

May 10, 2016

I have worked with Barri for many years on family law cases. She has the highest ethical standards, excellent judgment, and a sound knowledge of the law. I refer cases…

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Is this the same Program as the Child Custody and Visitation Mediation Program?

March 26, 2014

No. The Custody Mediation Program, as its name implies, addresses issues of child custody and visitation. The Family Financial Settlement Program has a different focus, helping parties resolve financial issues,…

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Will I be expected to attend and actively participate in discussions at the mediated settlement conference?

March 26, 2014

You must attend unless all parties and the mediator or the court agree otherwise. The mediation process is designed to empower litigants to take a more active role in discussing…

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Introduction to Family Financial Mediation

March 26, 2014

If you are reading this brochure, it is likely you are involved in a dispute which has been referred to the Family Financial Settlement Program for mediation. This means that…

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What is Mediation?

March 13, 2014

Mediation is a method of alternative dispute resolution that encourages parties to resolve issues in a non-adversarial way with the help of a trained, neutral mediator. Mediation may be with…

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Divorce in North Carolina

December 17, 2013

In N.C. parties have to be living separate and apart for a period exceeding one year in order to file for divorce. The divorce action is separate from the other…

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How is Child Support Calculated?

December 16, 2013

How is child support determined in North Carolina? Is it a specific percentage of the non-custodial parents’ income? No, there is not a set percentage. Child Support is calculated using…

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Is Modification Possible?

December 16, 2013

Can my custody or child support terms be changed later? Yes, if the terms were set forth in a court order they can be changed later upon a showing that…

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Are Retirement Accounts Marital Property?

December 16, 2013

Are retirement accounts considered marital property and can they be divided by the Court? Yes, if they were earned during the marriage they are marital property. This is true even…

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Whether you are starting or ending a marriage, enlarging or legitimizing your family, or appealing a family court ruling, you have found the assistance you need. Barri Payne can help you negotiate and commemorate your family law matters in a way that ensures the preservation of your relationships.  Connect with us today.


We help you craft creative solutions for lasting outcomes.















Durham Family Law Specialist, Divorce & Family Law Attorney


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